Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Baked Eggplant Sandwiches are the best!

I have been meeting more and more people who are growing eggplants for the first time.  There are some great gluten free eggplant recipes out there.  My most favorite is Baked Eggplant Sandwiches.  I have purchased gluten free panko at Winco for a long time, but they seem to have discontinued it.  I did find some amazing gluten free bread crumbs, with Italian seasoning, at Albertson's.   All the other ingredients are naturally gluten free.  This recipe is one my husband and I make together.  It makes it go faster.  Make sure you have plenty of time, because you bake them for 12 minutes, then turn them and bake another 12 minutes, then you let them cool, a little, while you make the filling, then bake them for 15 final minutes.  

It is easy to make these, it just seems a little time consuming, but when you taste these wonderful little hot melty sandwiches, you learn to just enjoy the time it takes to make them.  We usually start something in the DVD player, and pause it when we get to the "making the filling" part, or pour some wine . . .

And they are gluten free! YUM!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Most of the Best Teas Come Loose, so Here Is What To Do

 I am a tea drinker.  My husband has become a tea drinker, and our favorite diffuser is just not all that great.  You put the loose tea in a diffuser, then put the diffuser in your hot water, to make tea.  Most diffusers leak some tea leaves into your tea cup or pot.   Lightbulb!  I am a sewer, so why not sew some tea bags and put a couple teaspoons of loose tea in each bag? 

I bought one yard of muslin at the Craft Warehouse, and cut it into 5-inch strips, then I sub-cut those strips into 3-inch pieces.  I folded them in half and sewed them on two sides, then added the tea leaves, then chain sewed the tops closed, leaving about 5 inches of thread between each bag.  They have a double thread to use to dip them into the hot water.  Simple, brilliant!  I know.   Make some tea bags and settle into a cup.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Always Ask About Ingredients When Eating Out or Participating in Pot Lucks

I always ask what is in dishes, when dining out, and especially at pot lucks.  It sound ridiculous to think someone's homemade chili might have gluten in it, but you did not make it, so you do not know.  When the party who brings it says, "I don't know what's in it. My wife made it,"  do not eat it.  I always bring a main dish, that I want to eat, so I know for sure there will be something there I can eat.  My co-workers know I have celiac disease, so they do a good job of bringing things I can consume.  It has not always been this way.  I am very lucky to have such thoughtful co-workers.  Bless my old boss, who brought quarts of mint chip ice cream to a St. Patrick's Day pot luck, but I could not eat it, due to being lactose intolerant as well.  I had a very hard time breaking it to her.  I buy quarts of mint chip frozen yogurt at TCBY.  It tastes just like creamy ice cream.

I always ask at restaurants if they have gf soup, because I so seldom get to have it.  Ask before ordering clam chowder.  The only place I have been that does not use good old wheat flour, is the state of Maine.  Beef and barley soup is not gluten free, because of the barley.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

We broke down and bought a different brand of Air Fryer

We ordered the GoWise from Amazon Prime, so we got free shipping, and it was over $60.00 less than that other one.  This one opens and closes very smoothly.  We managed to use it over three times and it still works!  It seems much more durable than that other one. 

The first thing we made were the kale and potato balls.  We may have overdone it on the kale, but what the kale?!  They were yummy!  Okay, and they are much healthier than deviled eggs.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Air fryer?

My husband and I went to an air fryer demo/cooking thing.  We decided to get one and we bought the Power Air Fryer.  We do not recommend this brand.  The pan was difficult to reinsert and during the third use the thing had an E1 error and would not work.  We returned it and received our $159.00 back.  The baked potatoes (2nd use) were very good.  I think maybe if we want French fries, would could decide to splurge and just go out!  It would also help me be thinner, not to have that capability at my fingertips.  Yes, despite the ability to use less or no oil, one can get fat from eating so very many potatoes.  Bad for the blood sugar levels and all that!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Baked Veggie Enchilada!

My husband bought a couple vegetarian cook books 1)Forks over Knives, and 2) Plant Based Cook Book.  Today he made the Baked Enchiladas for dinner.  Wow! They were fabulous!  Then he baked he Nilla Wafers.  Both recipes are from the Plant Based Cook Book, by Trish.  The cookies are yummy and better than Nilla Wafers.  We ate the enchiladas before we thought of taking a photo.  I may remember to take a photo of the cookies in the morning, if there are any left.  Now that my husband has used an actual vanilla bean in a recipe, he is unstoppable!!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Egg Plant Tortilla Wraps

Tonight we sliced an egg plant thin and fried it in a tiny bit of olive oil. We sauteed garlic and onions. We put them in whole grain tortillas with lettuce and salsa.  They were fabulous!  Try using egg plant to make your tortillas!