Sunday, September 13, 2020

Most of the Best Teas Come Loose, so Here Is What To Do

 I am a tea drinker.  My husband has become a tea drinker, and our favorite diffuser is just not all that great.  You put the loose tea in a diffuser, then put the diffuser in your hot water, to make tea.  Most diffusers leak some tea leaves into your tea cup or pot.   Lightbulb!  I am a sewer, so why not sew some tea bags and put a couple teaspoons of loose tea in each bag? 

I bought one yard of muslin at the Craft Warehouse, and cut it into 5-inch strips, then I sub-cut those strips into 3-inch pieces.  I folded them in half and sewed them on two sides, then added the tea leaves, then chain sewed the tops closed, leaving about 5 inches of thread between each bag.  They have a double thread to use to dip them into the hot water.  Simple, brilliant!  I know.   Make some tea bags and settle into a cup.